Carbon (C) (The Foundation of Life)

Carbon (C) (The Foundation of Life)

I’m sure you know a little bit about this all too important element of the Earth, carbon. I could probably write a few pages about it, but you won’t read it all because you probably don’t have the time. So unless you really want to change your lifestyle, and if so let’s chat, keep reading to learn the basic characteristics of this element. Carbon is the builder of life on Earth and possibly of the universe. Due to the recent probe, Philae, that landed on a comet and discovered the presence of carbon, we can reasonably conclude that this element is why life on Earth even exists to this day. Carbon can join with other carbon atoms and form things like diamonds. Ooo diamonds! Guys, they really do mean a lot to your girlfriend or wife so get her one if she means that much to you that you want to show her off and tell everyone you found your person. Carbon can also join forces with hydrogen atoms to form many different molecules, such as methyl derivatives (some combination of C and H atoms). In regards to human nutrition and food, carbon is attached to 3 other atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, to create food. It is literally the backbone of all food sources. All proteins, fats, and carbohydrates contain carbon plus some combination of the other 3 atoms just mentioned above. Carbohydrates consist of exactly what it sounds like, hydrated carbon, or water logged carbon. Stop and think about that… I just said water logged carbon. How many of you are overweight, even slightly? Or how many have edema, or swelling of the body? Maybe diabetes? Am I painting a picture for you? I should be painting a clear one for you… Stop eating carbohydrates if you want to lose weight and regain your immunity! The liver knows PRECISELY how much sugar the body needs to keep it efficient and working optimally. Any more and you “build” yourself up too much which ultimately causes illness, dis-ease, inflammation, or worse, death. On the other hand, don’t freak out too much, because carbon is necessary. It can build things for you as mentioned, but only in the correct amount. When the body digests carbon, it has an affinity for oxygen, which when combined, form by products that are very easy to eliminate. These by products are water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). There is a line to be drawn though. When crossed and we start consuming and absorbing more carbon, it naturally prevents absorption of other minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium, leading to deficiencies. This road leads to all sorts of issues, including diabetes, arthritis, inflammation, and exhaustion of the nervous system, among many other possibilities. One last thing I feel I should point out is that excess carbohydrates, or sugars, leads to an imbalance in our electrolytes (magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium) but most importantly, it leads to an acidic environment. Parasites, bacteria, and viruses all thrive in a sugar filled, acid dominated environment. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough motivation for me to consume more high quality, complete proteins and good fats and to reduce carbohydrate intake. This simple change, as well as other lifestyle changes, will help restore the amazing and unique immune system that is crucial to our well being. A great immune system will allow you to live your life to its fullest!